
You should probably read the very first entry to grasp the point of this blog.

In a nutshell, I am an aging diabetic striving to accomplish one last grand physical endeavor before time limits my options.
My drive towards the ultra-marathon was tied to raising funds for Juvenile Diabetes Research, but it has been closed. I still encourage you to visit the JDRF web site and make a pledge --> http://www.jdrf.org/

Sunday, December 26, 2010

In For the Long Haul

July 4th, 2010:  The swan song of my personal training program was an 8.5 mile jog last Sunday, which again was completed slowly but without too much fuss.  However, I picked up a book on training for marathons and will abdicate my personal program for the wisdom of those with experience.

So I continue plodding away, roughly adhering to the tenets of my training guide.  Not only am I being sure to get three runs in each week, I pay attention to pace.  A bit disappointing today as I held back to maintain a pulse around 142 (oh yeah, I actually went out and purchased a heart rate monitor) in the belief this would equal a ten minute per mile pace, but it worked out to a miserably slow eleven minutes.  After reveling in my previous rapid pace, this was a disappointment…but a useful learning curve as I gain appreciation for translating my heart rate in minutes per mile.

July 11th, 2010:  Distances have been seriously ratcheted back since I am following my book’s program, but today’s trot was for thirty minutes and I aimed for a 150 pulse.  Phew, this had me breathing hard but I covered 3.8 miles at a 7:54 per mile pace.

Improving my pace strikes me as a single aspect of this challenge, which is spiraling into unforeseen opportunities (reinforcing why you should challenge yourself).  There is the physical aspect: I am seriously training for the first time in my life and learning quite a lot about preparing your body for long distance running.  There is the equally compelling travel aspect:  in addition to logging a ridiculous amount of miles on foot, there will be a foreign language to learn (I will study French, the closest thing to the Creole spoken on Reunion).

Perhaps the most relevant aspect, however, will be the attempt to raise funds:  beyond learning about training for long runs, learning French and learning about Reunion, I need to decipher how to establish a non-profit venture.  This last piece will also teach many lessons and I will strive to be the best “fund raider” ever!

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