
You should probably read the very first entry to grasp the point of this blog.

In a nutshell, I am an aging diabetic striving to accomplish one last grand physical endeavor before time limits my options.
My drive towards the ultra-marathon was tied to raising funds for Juvenile Diabetes Research, but it has been closed. I still encourage you to visit the JDRF web site and make a pledge --> http://www.jdrf.org/

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

On the Road Again…with Friends!

I’m on the heels of a satisfying 6.5 mile run this morning, because the calf never complained enough to slow me down, so let me get off the running road and veer towards the traveling road.  Despite the looming race being a mix of excitement and terror, the non-race prospects of an afternoon in Paris and exploring Reunion are pure glee.

If both of our flights go according to schedule, I rendezvous with Jeff early Sunday morning (October 9th), and we don’t get aboard an even longer flight to Reunion until that evening.  This affords a rare opportunity to see Rudolph and Jacomien, who will venture to Paris from The Hague and they’ve planned a splendid sprint together through the City of Lights.  They will meet us right at the airport so time isn’t squandered attempting to decipher the metro, and away we scamper to a bateaux tour on the Seine.  I don’t usually relish “touristy” junkets, but time is short and it will be a fun intro to Paris, as well as idle time to chat and catch up with our Dutch friends.

But the fun is only beginning, because after the boat ride we head for the renowned Musee d’Orsay.  Rudolph was thoughtful enough to score “advance entry” tickets so we can avoid the usual hour-and-a-half wait to gain admittance.  But of course we part ways with Jeff, who has little interest in the Impressionist masters, lol.  We won’t have ample time to fully relish the marvels of Musee d’Orsay, but what a fun beginning for the adventure!

And if I can’t thank Rudolph and Jacomien enough for the guided tour, they also proofed my attempt to translate the Bourbon Trail course description into English from the La Diagonal des Fous guide I recently received.  It got complicated because of typos in the French text, which I discovered frustrate the Google translator…and me!  But I muddled through and necessary repairs were effected with a little help from my friends.

Another day closer…    J

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