
You should probably read the very first entry to grasp the point of this blog.

In a nutshell, I am an aging diabetic striving to accomplish one last grand physical endeavor before time limits my options.
My drive towards the ultra-marathon was tied to raising funds for Juvenile Diabetes Research, but it has been closed. I still encourage you to visit the JDRF web site and make a pledge --> http://www.jdrf.org/

Friday, January 7, 2011

Pant, Pant....

September 26th, 2010:  Overall a great week for the running program, despite a mixed bag on the finish.  The training program had me hitting the road for forty minutes Monday and I clicked off 4.9 miles for an 8:10 pace.  Today was a fifty minute run, which I tackled over lunch because of false promises for a weekend adventure (an old friend who is a “hasher” came to town… but the story is too long to share here).  The heat really pounded me, and despite almost covering six miles at an 8:30 pace I was very light headed at the finish.  Heat is clearly an enemy, but hopefully fading as we turn the corner into fall.

My wife has joined me in training for the half marathon and ran a 5K yesterday morning…and won first place in her age group!  Don’t ever let anyone discount the value of support to achieving your goals.  Kim and I are motivating each other and it is a tremendous, rewarding boost.

Did eight miles today and aimed for a nine minute per mile pace.  Worked out to be 9:08, so unsatisfied but not totally displeased.  Once again no gel packs consumed during the run and blood sugar was 86 at the end of the run.  So far, so good but will continue to monitor my head constantly during long runs.

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